
Friday, January 4, 2013

Family Goals

I know I just shared mine a couple of days ago but after thinking about I decided I needed to get my children involved in goal sitting too. 

I have a 13 year old and a 6 year old and thought it would be a good lesson for them. My 13 year old is just like any other boy at that age. He plays video games, uses the computer and draws. However, my 6 year old loves to read and learn. Total opposites.

So I decided to have a little talk with my children and explained the importance of sitting goals. How it would be great to learn to sit them and then find out how they could reach them. It took a lot of coaching the 13 year old but he finally did it.  

Here is what my children came up with. I only asked my 6 year old for 3 but he came up with 10.

Mr. I's 2013 List:

Go to the Tulsa Air and Space Museum.

Got to church every Sunday.

Play fair with my friends.

Be nice to my brothers.

Be an artist.

Write notes to God and my family.

Go to a Thunder game.

Be my best at school. 

Be quiet in the library.

Make crafts and arts my best. 

I want you to know I did not coach this kid. He came up with all of them by himself. So proud. 

Mr. B's 2013 List:

Get a new game chair.

Pay more attention in math.

Do good in art class.

Be alive.

Get payed. 

My 13 year old loves to be silly. However we can work this this list. I already got some ideas in mind for the be alive and get payed. :)

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